Chris Robbins is the founder of WeatherNet/StormNet. Chris is a professional meteorologist and holds an advanced degree in meteorology. His formal education includes both a bachelor’s degree (B.S.) and master’s degree (M.S.) in atmospheric science/meteorology from the University of Oklahoma’s School of Meteorology, along with a minor in mathematics.

Associate Editor, American Meteorological Society (2013-2018)
Chris Robbins served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Weather and Forecasting (WAF), one of the prestigious research journals published by the American Meteorological Society from 2013 through 2018. All manuscripts that are submitted go through a rigorous peer-review process that can take many months.
Journal of Weather and Forecasting: View the latest issue online
The AMS Journal of Weather and Forecasting aims to publish scientific research submitted by atmospheric scientists around the world. This research leads to improvements in operational forecasting, through the development and implementation of new, advanced forecasting techniques, rigorous case studies of significant weather events, as well as novel concepts in numerical weather prediction.
The journal includes research on deterministic and ensemble forecasting, such as analytical methods/techniques applied to all temporal & spatial scales, forecast verification (existing and proposed methods), and forecast techniques development. These include manuscripts covering model physics, computational methods, parameterizations, data assimilation, ensembles, and post-processing techniques.
Background & Professional Activities
Chris is a full member of the American Meteorological Society and an Honorary Member of the National Weather Service Employee’s Organization (NWSEO).
As an undergraduate student, Chris worked as a research assistant at the National Severe Storm’s Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma (1992 through 1995). Chris participated in a number of projects within the realm of severe convection, including thunderstorms and tornadoes. Chris was also a team leader in the original Project VORTEX (Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment) in 1994 and 1995. Chris is eternally grateful to Dr. Bob Maddox, the Director of the NSSL from 1986 to 1996, for procuring the funds for Chris’ graduate studies. Subsequently, Chris continued as a graduate research assistant at the National Severe Storms Laboratory from 1995 through 1998 studying winter storm dynamics and winter weather climatology.
In 1999, Chris became a meteorologist for the National Hurricane Center, and later moved to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in 2001 as a forecaster for the National Weather Service in Fort Worth. During his time at the NHC and at the NWS, Chris continued a number of research projects spanning both tropical meteorology and winter weather. Chris made the difficult decision in 2004 to leave the NWS in pursuit of self employment as a private-sector meteorologist. Chris left the civil service at the GS-12/2 level with lifetime reinstatement eligibility.
Winter Storm Specialization
Chris Robbins has studied winter storm dynamics and ice microphysics for over 20 years, starting with his graduate research in the mid-1990s. He possesses significant skill at forecasting all mesoscale and synoptic-scale systems, including heavy rain events, and mesoscale convective complexes. He has specialized in Arctic airmass intrusion, Southern Appalachian cold-air damming, winter storm climatology and dynamics, ice microphysics, and freezing rain prediction. Forecasting freezing rain is an extremely meticulous and delicate process due to its thermodynamic properties, vertical thermodynamic profiles, and its tendency to form in very narrow/elongated corridors. For winter storm forecasting, Chris uses state-of-the-science methodologies and technologies to predict precipitation types, transitions, accumulations, and impacts. The “thickness” techniques for forecasting snow/ice are antiquated and should no longer be used by any reputable meteorologist.
Since 2014, Chris has worked closely with Paul Maravelias, owner of PaulMarv Software® to develop derived products that are critical to winter weather forecasting. ATMOGRAPH ModelVis is a revolutionary program that displays 3D graphics on a rotating globe interpolated from the raw GRIB NWP model data provided by NCEP/NOAA and other providers of raw numerical prediction model data.
Primary Forecast Region
Chris’ primary forecast and consulting region is the Southern Plains and the Southeast, specifically the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and the Atlanta metropolitan area. During high-impact weather events, Chris works with local communities, including small-business owners, local city managers, a few school boards, and some local newspapers, to help relay critical information to the public. Chris strives to bridge the operation and research communities, educate the public about the advancements in meteorology, and also explain the anticipated impacts of predicted significant-weather events.
As a private-sector, professional forecaster, his forecasts are highly customized and may occasionally differ from the forecasts of other credible meteorological sources. Chris works very hard to mitigate unnecessary weather hype and confront the proliferation of social media rumors. If you find yourself questioning a forecast that you see on social media from an unknown weather source, feel free to contact Chris with any questions that you may have.
Select Publications
• M.S. Thesis (1998): An Investigation of the Local and Synoptic Environments Associated with Freezing Rain in the Contiguous United States (147 pages). Advisor: Dr. John Cortinas, Jr., National Severe Storms Laboratory
• Robbins, C. C., and J. V. Cortinas, Jr., 2002: Local and synoptic environments associated with freezing rain in the contiguous United States. Wea. Forecasting, 17, 47-65.
• Cortinas Jr., J.V., B.C. Bernstein, C.C. Robbins, and J. Walter Strapp, 2004: An Analysis of Freezing Rain, Freezing Drizzle, and Ice Pellets across the United States and Canada: 1976–90. Wea. Forecasting, 19, 377–390.
• Robbins, C. C., and S. R. Stewart, 2002: A climatology of rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Basin, 1975-2000. Preprints, 25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Cyclones, San Diego, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
• Cortinas, J. V., Jr, C. C. Robbins, B. C. Bernstein, and J. W. Strapp, 2000: A climatography of freezing rain, freezing drizzle, and ice pellets across North America. Preprints, Ninth Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, AMS, Orlando, FL, 292-297.
• Robbins, C., and J. M. Gross, 2000: Trends in the ratios of damage to deaths caused by United States landfalling hurricanes. Preprints, 24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Cyclones, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
• Stewart, S. R. and C. C. Robbins, 2000: Mesoscale-induced downbursts associated with the landfall of hurricane Irene (1999) over South Forida. Preprints, 24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Cyclones, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
• Holle, R. L., J. V. Cortinas Jr., and C. C. Robbins, 1998: Winter thunderstorms in the United States. Preprints, 16th Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, Phoenix, AZ.
• Robbins, C. C., and J. V. Cortinas Jr., 1996: A climatology of freezing rain in the Contiguous United States: Preliminary results. Preprints, 15th Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, Norfolk,VA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 124-127.
Specific Forecasting Skills and Specialization:
- Winter Storm Climatology and Dynamics
- Advanced Winter Weather Forecasting Techniques
- Winter Weather Impacts and Decision Support
- Freezing Rain Prediction and Impacts
- Cold Air Damming Events in the Southern Appalachians – Prediction and Impacts
- Heavy Rain Events
- Severe Convection
- Mesoscale Convective Complexes
- High Wind Events
- Rare Meteorological Events