Little Rock, Arkansas
Little Rock Weather Watch: Stay Ahead of Changes
Essential weather information for Little Rock residents. Our live radar loop tracks storms, helping you plan your commute or outdoor activities. Track rainfall totals for your neighborhood or your garden, with daily, weekly, and monthly data compared to averages. Stay updated on drought conditions and flood potential around the Arkansas River. Get immediate access to severe weather warnings from the National Weather Service to ensure your family’s safety. Plan your week with confidence using our accurate hourly and extended forecasts – know exactly when to grab your umbrella or enjoy a picnic!
Rainfall Data for Little Rock, AR
After seeing 4 to 8 inches of rain over the Richland Creek area, water drained into the mainstem Buffalo upstream of the gauge at St. Joe. The gauge recorded a rise of over 4 feet in an hour!
This map of max streamflow shows numerous tributaries experiencing very high flows (notice how defined individual creeks and drainages are). This water draining into the Buffalo combined with rain that fell directly over the river contributed to the significant rise.
- Current Rainfall Totals (24 hours, week, month)
- Historical Averages for Comparison
Wildfire & Drought Conditions for Little Rock, AR
- Drought & Severe Weather:
- Current Drought Monitor Status for the Area
- Active Severe Weather Alerts
- 2023 Devastating Little Rock Tornado
#TornadoViewer #StormWatch Severe Weather Probability Little Rock, Arkansasx
Severe Weather Outlook for Little Rock, AR
Wildfire Warnings for Little Rock, AR
Wildfires Little Rock, Arkansasx
Planting Times for Little Rock:
- Last Frost: On average, Little Rock’s last frost is around March 28th. This is crucial for planting dates.
- Spring Planting:
- Cool-season crops: Plant directly in the ground 4-6 weeks before the last frost (mid-February to early March)
- Warm-season crops such as tomatoes and peppers: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost, transplant into the ground after the last frost (late April to early May).
- Fall Planting:
- Cool-season crops: Start seeds indoors in mid-summer, transplant into the ground 6-8 weeks before the average first frost date (around mid-August to early September). Alternatively, direct sow some cool-season crops a few weeks before the first frost.